Download for Linux (x64) Version 0.3.20. You can also follow these steps on a Windows computer: 1. If you have any tests you want to see leave a comment below or a project idea. If you go to Easel and click import > g-code you can select Fusion 360 and there is a link to download the post processor and instructions for either windows or mac. So the machine is working, therefore the next suspected is the code/software… when I import the gcode it seems to place it right down at 0 on the workplace. These posts can be accessed by selecting “Use Personal Posts” in the Configuration Folder of … 2. About 15 hours ago, I uploaded a post processor for Easel to A360 into my Assets/CamPosts directory - F360-easel.cps. How to Cnc a 3d model . Make sure to read this important safety information before using any posts. Today I want to show you how to use a very useful piece of software from Autodesk called: Fusion 360. Then, in Easel In Fusion 360, open the Post Process dialog under CAM and set the configuration folder to a folder containing the downloaded Easel.cps. Select Easel.cps as the post configuration in the Fusion 360 Post Process menu, then save your project.If you are new to Fusion 360, we have other video tutorials showing how to make a project from start to finish. Same here. Download the post-processor from Easel by going to Import > Gcode > Autodesk Fusion 360. i finally somehow got it to work. I’ll compare it with my PostProcessor to see if there are additional features and try to merge them. I am using Fusion 360 to generate tool paths and hopefully G-code to import directly into Easel for cutting on my new 1m X-Carve. To get access to all functionality in Fusion 360, learn more about a subscription here. This is essentially an easy button to rough out your shape from the stock as efficiently as possible. BUT it can also be a little daunting. Importing Fusion 360 Gcode into Easel for 3D Carving Fusion 360 is actively under development, so there may be updates shown that were not available at the time this video was produced. 443 lines (377 sloc) 11.7 KB … A360 still shows the .cps file icon spinning. Start the program and use File > Open Application Data Folder.This will open a new window showing all the program's support folders. Designed by Inventables, Easel is the easiest way to get started in the world of 3D carving.Inventables, Easel is the easiest way to get started in the world of 3D carving. seems that the depths are off and it carves way deeper than i have my model set, ive just used easel so far as a post processor since im kinda computer dumb and thats the only one i can get to work. Fusion 360 laser post processor. CAD / CAM solutions . E-mail for all users: cam.p osts @auto Problems related to other products using the post processor should be redirected to the appropriate support channels for these products. When you do the post process and save the Gcode, go in and edit the line that says "G54" to G0 Z10. so when I hit 99% it touches the material just before it gets to 100%, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, Easel post processing plug in for fusion 360, Creating a Simple 3D Model on Fusion 360 and Creating a Toolpath MYDIYCNC. Still looking for some guides to learn more about this. Go to File > Import > G-code to import the G-code file and you'll see the toolpath show up. There is a special Easel post-processor available for Vectric products (VCarve Pro, VCarve Desktop, Aspire, Cut2D, and PhotoVCarve) that allows you to send these files through Easel. Fusion 360. Who it’s for: Engineers, Product Designers, Part Fabricators Availability: Mac or PC Price: $0 for personal hobby use, $495/year subscription for commercial use. These tutorials include generating CAM toolpaths before post-processing the project. Utililizing CAM in Fusion 360. Install it in Fusion in order to post-process in easel and CNC on the X-Carve. i am not all that computer literate and i cant seem to get the processor add in, in fusion 360? I will record some cuts and fusion work. The setup window with a few tabs will pop up. yeah, i couldnt get it to be an option for post processing in fusion 360 though. Download for MacOS Version 0.3.20. Really wanting a new router, Inventables is giving a chance to win a new X-Carve with their Easel Power Hour Challenge. I tried a simple toolpath in fusion 360, but need to spend more time on it. Move the file into one of the Autodesk Fusion 360 folders located on your computer, and note the folder location. Move the file into one of the Autodesk Fusion 360 folders located on your computer, and note the folder location.3. This one helped a little: ... Macintosh OS. Instructables Safety comes first so please be careful! It provides parametric tools that allow a designer to edit components as specs change—without starting over from scratch. Fusion 360 is an awesome tool you can use with your CNC because you can do fancy cuts like 3D curves, slopes, and complex layers. View all CAD, CAM, and PCB design data with a single product data management (PDM) software with Fusion 360. In the CAM section, choose each setup individually and generate the g-code (post process). seems that the depths are off and it carves way deeper than i have my model set, have a problem with depth as well, but mine seem to be off exaclty the height of my material. This is the place to find post processors for common CNC machines and controls. Fusion 360 for personal use features include: Standard design and 3D modeling tools; 2 and 3-axis milling, adaptive clearing, turning Install the RoboDK plug-in in Fusion 360: 5. what if I want the object carved more in the middle of the workplace of the carving machine? I still need to learn Fusion 360 cam. any walk throughs available. Select the Postp folder to find the Post Processors. Added support for subprograms for Fanuc post. This video tutorial shows you how to download the Easel post-processor, install the post-processor in Fusion 360, and save your gcode toolpaths for use with Easel. Easel is the all-in-one software solution for 3D carving machines. Use the Upload button to upload the desired post processor from the local machine to the Assets > CAMPosts folder. Easel Driver is a small software that communicates between Easel and X-Carve or Carvey. Before we dive in, here are a couple things to help you follow along. Creating a Simple 3D Model on Fusion 360 and Creating a Toolpath MYDIYCNC: Hello there,Tory at MyDIYCNC here. Set the configuration folder to the folder containing the downloaded Easel.cps file.4. In CAM, the setup is where you’ll define 1) what the raw material is, 2) how your … Post Processors. There is a lot to it and need more time to master. With this software you can create... and kowning where the postprocessor file is suppose to be placed on windows: struggling with learning how to do something simple in fusion. It's habit for me now. If you go to Easel and click import > g-code you can select Fusion 360 and there is a link to download the post processor and instructions for either windows or mac. Autodesk Fusion 360 is a complex piece of software for modeling both onscreen assets (3D renders and animation) and offscreen physically manufactured elements. Handy for when you forget to raise it up after setting zero. Post Library for Autodesk Fusion 360. isel offers various CAD / CAM solutions for data creation and our in-house system "isy CAM" software, can cover 80% of all applications. You can find up to date instructions here: This tutorial walks you through importing a gcode file from Fusion 360 into Easel. Creating a Simple 3D Model on Fusion 360 and Creating a Toolpath MYDIYCNC Fusion 360 for personal use is a limited version that includes basic functionality, free for 1-year for non-commercial use. An all-in-one cnc machine and woodcarving software to bring your projects to life. I usually focus on spindle Speed and chipload and let Fusion take care of the rest. Windows Users: In Fusion 360, open the Post Process dialog under CAM and set the configuration folder to a folder containing the downloaded Easel.cps Mac Users: Inventables currently has two official ones, for Vectric and Fusion 360 - I tried taking a look at those and comparing to the PixelCNC post-processors to see if they were easy to translate, but they seem to be vastly different formats. It is also based upon the generic grbl post-processor, with similar changes to remove 5-axis, tool-compensation, etc. In the image below, you can see how everything was set initially in the top-right, as well as how they were modified in … In order to use this video, your project's CAM toolpaths should already be generated in Fusion 360. When making holes with fusion it starts to almost work against itself. I read it can take a while for this post processor to show up on Fusion. That will raise the z height up 10mm before advancement. i finally somehow got it to work. ... Easel post processor - 2D and 3D modules are available here. For mac, you must follow this tutorial to install the post-processor. Click the link to download the Easel.cps file. To do this, right click on each tool path and select "Post Process" in the menu. However, Fusion 360 cannot directly communicate with the CNC so we'll need to convert the directions to a language that the machine can understand, called "G-Code". This software was used in the workshop. I've not used Easel enough to know whether or not you can have it execute contour cuts (which sounds like what you want), however, Fusion 360 can generate X-Carve compatible g-code and you can setup those kinds of cuts. Guide to Fusion 360 Sketch Constraints . OPTION #2: Uploading a Cloud Post Processor through the Fusion 360 Data Panel Open Fusion 360 and navigate to Libraries > Assets in the Data Panel. Easel works. Double click the Assets > CAMPosts folder to enter it. The default settings for Autodesk Fusion 360 are pretty conservative for most CNC’s on the market, but for desktop models like the Pro and PROVer, some further adjustment is needed. Creating a Simple 3D Model on Fusion 360 and Creating a Toolpath MYDIYCNC: Hello there,Tory at MyDIYCNC here. Don't let locations, time zones, and extensive reviews lengthen your development process. CAM - Setup - Stock. Post Processor for Autodesk Fusion360, delivering GCODE output optimized for GRBL compatible CNC or Lathe - Strooom/GRBL-Post-Processor ... GRBL-Post-Processor / f360-easel.cps Go to file Go to file T; Go to line L; Copy path Cannot retrieve contributors at this time. Important safety information. At first looks I think the above post-processor should work with Easel. Like I said in the intro, I don’t think it’s really fair or reasonable to ask if Fusion 360 is “better” than vcarve- they are wildly different beasts. Download the Easel post-processor here. ive adjusted heights in fusion, default is 10 mm and i reset it to 0, that seems to work but seems to still be off, maybe thats my issue, . We also have a post-processor for Autodesk Fusion360. Download for Windows Version 0.3.20. I downloaded the f360-easel.cps. You can also report problems to us at this address. All you need to do now is make a model and program the toolpaths in Fusion, use the Post-Process option to export it to gCode using the Easel post-processing file provided, open your gCode sender and connect to your X-Carve to send the code. my current issue is getting the g-codes from fusion to work properly in easel. Other Downloads. I just did this last night! One thing to note, the post-processor from Inventables (at least the version I have) will not add the S M3 to the beginning if you are using automatic spindle controlling. Download the post-processor from Easel by going to Import > Gcode > Autodesk Fusion 360. isy-CAM features a host of interfaces that allow data exchange to other systems and of course, other CAM solutions with verified postprocessors are also available. Fusion 360 Collaboration Bring teams together. I used easel to generate the custom gcode. In Fusion 360, open the Post Process dialog under the CAM menu. How to find, edit, or request post processors for Inventor CAM, HSMWorks and Fusion 360 Personal Post Processor Libraries Personal posts are stored locally on a computer. Check out these tutorials to learn more about using Fusion 360: Engraving in Fusion 3603D Carved Face in Fusion 360Pinewood Derby Car in Fusion 360, Finding SVG Images Using Google's Advanced Image Search, How to make your Easel project accessible to everyone (making your Easel project public), Walkthrough Tutorial: Cut Depth and Depth Per Pass, Walkthrough Tutorial: Offline Easel Usage, Importing Gcode from Fusion 360 into Easel, Walkthrough Tutorial: Two-Stage Carves (Roughing and Detail Carves). 0/0 is relative to where you make the home position so you set that before you carve, then it will work from there, so set the home position where ever you want on the work space. ... Fusion 360 Vectric Aspire. How do one place where on the workplace of the cnc to carve the fusion object? Make sure you have downloaded the Fusion 360 post-processor from Inventables and loaded it in to Fusion. So we’ve put together this beginners guide to using Fusion 360 CAM for your CNC. 1 Like RobertGoodwin May 19, 2016, 6:32pm #3 yeah, i couldnt get it to be an option for post processing in fusion 360 though. While the tutorial is shown on a Mac computer, you can take similar steps on a Windows computer. C:\Users%username%\AppData\Local\Autodesk\webdeploy\production\04d6378a29a3a6dbc7359ac48c09eb030d321955\Applications\CAM360\Data\Posts. so when you go to carve with easel you set the home position to where ever you want it. I thought, why not, so here is one of my entries… I started the design of a Pinewood Derby Funny Car in Fusion 360 by sculpting a funny car body shape … You can find their post-processors here: Easel Downloads On the machine connected to the Carvey and X-Carve, these are already installed. Things you may need to utilize this guide: Full tutorial coming soon! Click the link to download the Easel.cps file.2. This leads to skipping steps and misaligned milling patterns (the circle at z= -5mm are not aligned with the circle at z= -10mm) Have tried to use the OF post-processor, GRBL, and easel. Should be near the top. Today I want to show you how to use a very useful piece of software from Autodesk called: Fusion 360. Version Full Download Update Download Date Release Notes Installation Notes; 1.0: WorkBee-Firmware-v1.0: N/A: 06/12/2018: Latest Release of Duet Firmware & Web Control. , i uploaded a post processor should be redirected easel post processor fusion 360 the folder.! Program and use file > open Application data Folder.This will open a new window all! Generating CAM toolpaths should already be generated in Fusion in order to post-process in Easel what if i want object! Essentially an easy button to rough out your shape from the local machine to the folder location.3 am all! 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