Perhaps the Jaredites were more of a hunter-gatherer society for the first couple centuries in the Americas? Perhaps coincidentally, the North Pacific current takes about the same time to cross from Japan to Mexico (Sorenson, p. 111). We usually assume this event happened before the Jaredite story. And this date change would very nicely allow for the Jaredites to: And many other things, as outlined in the 37 points above. But even still, the Book of Mormon actually never says that all the people in the world or at the great tower spoke the same language. If the Jaredites left the great tower close to 8,000 BC or earlier, they likely wouldn’t have had the technology to build boats with sails, since nobody else in the world had the technology either. I started this blog to take a middle road between the “Church is true so science is false” people and the “science is true so the Church is false” people; to provide new ways to look at things. It’s not until they reach the promised land, settle a bit, and Jared and his brother are old and about to die that they finally decide it’s time to select a leader (Ether 6:18-24). Ether records the journeying Jaredites carrying with them “all manner of that which was upon the face of the land, seeds of every kind” (Ether 2:3). The Pleistocene North American megafauna were comparable to Africa’s current biodiversity (but more magnificent)–complete with lions, cheetahs, hyenas, dire wolves, giant bears, elephants, giant sloths, giant bison, giant elk, giant beavers, etc. And indeed, Urfa is about 8 miles from Gobekli Tepe. What this means exactly is open for interpretation. Klaus Schmidt, the lead archaeologist at Gobekli Tepe said, “[I]t is clear that the pillar statues … represented very powerful beings. If you start in Florida, you could end up anywhere from Washington State to Maine. 10,000 years ago, written language wasn’t yet a thing. Nowadays, it’s a giant mound formed of dirt, rocks, and garbage deposited there as the temple was being mysteriously buried around 10,000 years ago. In fact, one of the candidate sights for earliest goat domestication is the Euphrates river valley at Nevali Çori, just about an hour’s car ride away from Gobekli Tepe. “Jaredites” are descendants of Jared, not descendants of his brother or the friends who came with them. Moroni’s America Today In 1936, when LDS scholars first began accepting the two-Cumorah theory, Apostle Joseph Fielding Smith warned the Saints. There’s no mention of a priesthood or religious rites. This may be coincidence, but it could also be a clue to the true location of the great tower. Sumerian roots can be found in many Jaredite names–which is to be expected if the great tower was in Mesopotamia around 2600 BC. These creatures were impressive and abundant–more impressive, say some, than probably any other region on earth at the time or now. There had to have been a history and a certain gradualness to it. Taking all this into account, could it help support an ancient, 10 ka date for the Jaredite journey? Indeed, if the brother of Jared wrote his vision in pictures, one would probably need seer stones and divine help to interpret it, such as the ones the Lord provided for that very purpose (Ether 3:24). 5 0 obj Any help on this would be appreciated. Both of these cultures built mounds. One thing that critics claim is evidence of the Book of Mormon being a forgery is the story of the Jaredites coming from the Tower of Babel. The text of the Book of Mormon supports whatever you want to believe. Sep 2, 2016 - Explore Ricardo Garcia's board "Jaredites and the giants in America" on Pinterest. Jaredites in North America $19.95 The Jaredites in North America by Wayne May. The Lord tells the brother of Jared to leave the great tower and go north into the valley of Nimrod (Ether 2:1). Around 10-12 thousand years ago, there may have still been glaciers covering parts of Northern America. A big question for the Jaredites is what plausible currents or winds could help them reach America from what many presume is south Asia. Do all the names in the Jaredite king list contain Sumerian roots, or does it seem to start after a certain point? This of course, predates a Jaredite departure date of 2600 BC by centuries. That would be consistent behavior had they come from Gobekli Tepe. (Dark Blue Line) And that’s assuming the Nephites had satellite-accurate compasses. It could mean simply that the Jaredites would have many descendants. However, a glyph on the walls of Gobekli Tepe has been linked to a symbol found in later Anatolian cultures to mean “God”; and we are still unsure what the animals and T-shaped pillars were meant to represent. Evidence for domesticated sheep at least 9,500 years ago has been discovered at a site in–you guessed it–Turkey. Where they went is still a mystery, but consider this: The world’s population is estimated to have been around 5 million in 8000 BC, compared to somewhere around 27-72 million in 2000 BC. Joseph Smith, commenting on Miller’s prediction in 1843, said that Miller was wrong–not because of his method of calculation, but because of the errors in the Bible on which he based his calculation. If these places are indeed what’s being described in the Book of Abraham, then Olishem, Ur, and Haran all lie in southern Turkey, and are all likely within about 100 miles of Gobekli Tepe. The Jaredites were a people whose history is given in the Book of Mormon, an ancient record kept by the people of the Americas and then later translated by the Prophet Joseph Smith. Where’s the “extraordinary proof” that American mammoths or mastodons survived in Mesoamerica as late as 4,000 years ago? I don’t know, but viewing the beginnings of the Jaredite story in an older time period makes the Lord’s promise of a land better than all others even more powerful, in my opinion. Jared, his brother, and their families and friends very well could have been a group of hunter-gatherers that worshiped at this temple around 10,000-12,000 years ago. The Assyrian Empire. The notes are numbered to correspond with the 37 points above. Even while they are at a fairly permanent stop at the beach, we’re told they “dwelt in tents … for the space of four years”–no houses or permanent structures are mentioned (Ether 2:13). The Assyrians were a warrior society where fighting was a part of life, and most famous for two—their deadly chariots and iron weapons. Perhaps this is why the Lord had to explain, “Seest thou that ye are created after mine own image? Although I do try to keep an open mind, I would ask where is Carl Sagan’s “extraordinary proof” that the mythical Tower of Babel existed in 2600 BC? Einkorn, of course, was first domesticated at or around Gobekli Tepe. One scholar has even pointed out that it’s not clear that the Jaredites were even Christian. And while they do “till the earth” in the promised land (Ether 6:13, 18), cities are not mentioned in the Jaredite record until the reign of Coriantum, at least 6 generations from Jared (Ether 9:23). This puts it in the realm of the Adena civilization who were present in the area at this time. While the rise of agriculture in Mexico immediately following Gobekli Tepe’s abandonment may be a pure coincidence, it also may be an indicator that the Jaredites came from the great tower (where agriculture originated) around 8,000 BC. Otherwise this is the most excellent historically accurate presentation I have ever read. Sources of Information. If there were symbols that meant things at Gobekli Tepe, then the brother of Jared could have also written symbols to represent his vision. All people were hunters, as Nimrod was. I remember learning in seminary/Sunday school that the Tower of Babel wasn’t so much a tower tall enough to reach heaven, as it was an unauthorized temple intended to perform saving ceremonies. Therefore, the idea of confounding languages and scattering people from “the great tower” could actually work if said tower was Gobekli Tepe–but it doesn’t work so well if it was a ziggurat in 2600 BC. God surely would have known what the bro of J was trying to say. During Jaredite times the narrow neck was blocked by an infestation of poisonous snakes. Scientists have speculated that the ancient temple also served as a place for hunter-gatherers to, as one writer put it, “meet up, trade information, exchange goods, find marriage partners, share life hacks and make friends who could help out later in a pinch.” This is especially interesting considering Jared and his brother were particularly concerned for “their friends” at the great tower, knowing the Lord was going to confound their language and scatter them around the earth (see Ether 1:36-38). This of course, would include the Tower of Babel story, and the Jaredites who were connected to it. Which, to me, is the most beautiful thing I’ve learned from researching this whole thing. Completely agree with your timeline, all though some points i disagree with mainly the points about the lord and Jesus Christ, those seem fanciful. The Jaredites crossed the sea to the New World in eight "barges" in 344 days, driven by currents and winds. Hunter-gatherer groups are notably egalitarian. The idea that all people on earth spoke the same language in 2600 BC is frankly ridiculous–this is a big reason why the Tower of Babel is labeled a myth. The Jaredites/Olmecs, the "Giants" of Mesoamerica. In North America scholars have given them the … x��]ۏ�W��eY�.����4!�$�0��3vZhKUU���[�'Z�*�������癟�s6�<0�����������i�7��������͏�;_o�����dz_�T��������6߼0� S�?���֊�?��n7C�5߼���������,����`ǚ���ؾ5���v跇�-ۣݍh4�o��K�t�=���fh�-O}����nj������M'�n{�K=��]�Ŷ�~��tM߷��a���G;���W��3Z#���]��c�׷2�� ���p�.��6�tT�:VR��������P�G��:ѽW�"����{e�{Z��6��ډ���c���C� Cx�\ �p�͚�R�ܼ醾����S~q��y��m��� �V���r����� fF}�X�t��Zͪ�YW�ɥL z�l1����-7�~`��D}U$��W;���� These people are called Adena, which is the name Thomas Worthington had given a mound on his property in the early 1800s near Chillicothe, Illinois. The word Mulekite, after Mulek, is commonly used to refer to his group. Evidence of Jaredites According to archaeologists, there is abundant evidence of native people who lived in central North America during the "Early Woodland" period of 800 BC to 100 AD. Interestingly, scientists have recently discovered that a symbol on the “belt” of one of these pillars actually means “God”. To substantiate this, theorists claim they, particularly the Mulekites, were brought by the Phoenicians--who had operated successfully in the Mediterranean, establishing a number of colonies along the northern coast of Africa, the most famous … The Olmecs have long been considered to be strong candidates for the Jaredites. I love convoluted theories that try to make sense of all the conflicting stuff in the Book of Mormon. The Jaredites Came From the Tower of Babel. This verse definitely opens up the possibility that Father Adam, the pre-Abraham patriarchs, and even the brother of Jared were much earlier than 4,000 years before Christ–perhaps a great many thousand years before. 1:10)–the name Ulisum has been found in ancient texts in Olum Hoyuk, Turkey. In addition to this, totem poles in North America resemble totem poles fashioned at Gobekli Tepe; and the hands carved onto the large statues on Easter Island contain similarities to the hands carved on the T-shaped pillars at Gobekli Tepe. Also, we know that the land surrounding Gobekli Tepe in its prime was extremely fertile, and would have had all sorts of edible plants and game for humans to enjoy. Why couldn’t the brother of Jared have scribbled or drawn something that had meaning to him? And if this theory is true, then God has been lovingly interacting with humans–our ancient ancestors; the people who made us possible–for far longer than we thought. Also, a date for the departure of the Jaredites is never given. Or when we’re told that the people wanted to build a tower to get to heaven, perhaps it’s referring to a hill they wanted to use to touch the starry night sky (something that has been a suggested behavior for ancient hunter-gatherers). In North America scholars have given them the name "Adena," after property where remains were found. Based on animals now living in North America (including Mesoamerica), there would have been many, many other kinds of mammals present when both the Jaredites and the Nephites arrived. Also, they say the whole story is a myth anyway and was based on a ziggurat built by the Babylonians around 800 BC—much later than the assumed departure date of the Jaredites (~2600 BC). I do believe that the Book of Mormon is true, that the Jaredites were a real group of people, and that their story actually began at a great tower somewhere. Jaredite evidence can be found in North, South and Central America origins in northeast North America.There will be … Helaman 8:18 says that before Abraham, there were lots of people called after the order of the Son, “that it should be shown unto the people, a great many thousand years before his coming, that even redemption should come unto them.” Although this verse is up for interpretation, “a great many thousand years” sounds like much more than the mere 4 thousand or less we generally assign to Adam, Enoch, and Noah. If the Jaredites left Gobekli Tepe around that time, they could have had access to these beasts. The Book of Mormon Jaredite King List gives only 7 exact dates (lifespans and reigns) for the Jaredite Chronology. 6:28, Ether 1:3-5, 33). For at least some of these transitions, it could have been hundreds, if not thousands of years. And couldn’t these other groups have become the founders of most if not “all nations” of the earth? The Jaredites were mainly north of the narrow neck, while most of the Nephite history was to the south of this landmark. The Jaredites are a group of people who left the middle east area at the time of the Tower of Babel. Figure 4: Serpent Mound survey by Squire and Davis. What Went Down When “the System of Astronomy Was Unfolded”? Timeline Chronology for the Jaredite culture from the Book of Ether in the Book of Mormon. Also, Joseph went against most people’s assumptions to declare that Adam, Enoch, and Noah lived in North America, not the Middle East–so he was already contradicting common interpretations taken from the Bible in other areas. some instances say “son” in one place, but “descendant” in another), it’s because of these discrepancies that we cannot know for certain how much time passed between ancestor and descendant or supposed father and son. Was to the south of this landmark to have been close to Ur, Olishem, most... 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