The Indian monsoon—its onset and withdrawal, the different seasons in India and the distribution of rainfall and everything about climate is covered in this chapter. (iv) The delta region of the eastern coast is frequently struck by cyclones. (e) Coastal region does not experience much variation in temperature pattern due to the moderating influence of the sea. They are latitude, altitude, pressure and wind system, distance from the sea (continentality), ocean currents and relief features. (c) These winds blow over warm oceans, gather moisture and bring widespread rainfall over the mainland of India. Their speed varies from about 110 km/h in summer to about 184 km/h in winter. NCERT Solutions for class 9 all subjects free in PDF as well as online to study available in Hindi Medium and English Medium for 2020-21. (v) Parts of Rajasthan, Gujarat and the leeward side of the Western Ghats are drought prone because they receive scanty rainfall. (c) The most constant are the mid latitude and subtropical jet streams. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Geography Chapter 5 – Natural Vegetation and Wildlife (Social Science), contains solutions to various questions in Exercise for Chapter 5. (b) Sometimes these cyclones arrive at the coasts of Odisha, West Bengal and Bangladesh. The NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Geography Chapter 2 Physical Features of India contains the answers to the exercises at the end of the chapter. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Geography. Answer The monsoon winds play an important role in the climate of India. (d) early August, (v) Which one of the following characterises the cold weather season in India? (iv) Leh has moderate precipitation almost throughout the year? (ii) In summer, a low pressure area develops over interior Asia as well as over north western India. They cause the much-needed winter rains over the plains and snowfall in the mountains. The weather is normally marked by clear sky, low temperatures and low humidity and feeble, variable winds. Answer Rainfall decreases from the east to the west in Northern India because there is a decrease in the moisture of the winds. Question 7. Due to strong vertical air currents and formation of high pressure over Tibetan plateau, the plateau gets intensely heated during the summer. She has started this educational website with the mindset of spreading Free Education to everyone. Answer Jodhpur is in the extreme western part of India and so. (iv) The delta region of the eastern coast is frequently struck by cyclones. Choose the correct answer from the four alternatives given below. By early December, the monsoon has withdrawn from the rest of India. The chapter begins with a brief revision of what students have already studied until now. So, Shillong is rainier in June while Kolkata is rainier in July. NCERT Solutions for Class 9th: Ch 4 Climate Geography Social Studies (S.St) Find Out Page No: 27 1. The river valleys which carry this water also unite as a single river valley unit. In the northern part of the country, a feeble high-pressure region develops, with light winds moving outwards from this area. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social science Chapter 4 Climate are provided here with simple step-by-step explanations. Your email address will not be published. Answer In Rajasthan, the weather is very hot and there is less rainfall.Some part of the state is covered with desert. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Geography Chapter 1 – India – Size and Location. (a) Silchar Break’ in monsoon means that the monsoon has alternate wet and dry spells. Students can download the PDF from the link provided below and can refer to it for their exam preparation. (i) Which one of the following places receives the highest rainfall in the world? Some amount of rainfall occurs on the Tamil Nadu coast from these winds as they blow there from sea to land. Moreover, this region does not have an ocean to moderate the temperature. By mid-June, the Arabian Sea branch of the monsoon arrives over Saurashtra-Kachchh and the central part of the country. IT HELPED ME TO UNDERSTAND THR LESSON . (b) A number of separate jet streams have been identified. (v) What are jet streams and how do they affect the climate of India? The most constant is the mid-latitude and subtropical jet stream. (v) Parts of Rajasthan, Gujarat and the leeward side of the Western Ghats are drought prone. Climate Class 9 Notes Social Science Geography Chapter 4 CBSE Class 9 Geography Chapter 4 Notes Understanding the Lesson. Even during the monsoon months the monsoon winds when rising over the Western Ghats give rain to that area. (b) A large part of the country’s agriculture is mainly dependent upon the monsoon rains. At the end of the Solutions, all the keywords which are important to understand Climate Class 9 Geography, have been explained in a simple and easy to understand manner. It binds the whole country by providing water which sets all agricultural activities in motion. Students who are searching for NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 9 Geography Chapter 4 Climate with Answers Pdf free download are compiled here to get good practice on all fundamentals. When there are sloping roofs, the rain water can easily flow off towards the ground or to a receptive unit where water is collected instead of collecting on the rooftop. (d) A characteristic feature of the cold weather season over the northern plains is the inflow of cyclonic disturbances from the west and the north-west. Required fields are marked *, NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science. (d) The Indian landscape, its animal and plant life, the entire agricultural calendar and the life of the people, including their festivities revolve around this phenomenon (monsoon). (f) The peninsular region does not have a well defined cold season.There is hardly any noticeable change in temperature pattern during winter due to the moderating influence of the sea. Answer Shillong is in a hilly area and the hills trap the monsoon winds, so that Shillong becomes rainier than Kolkata. (a) In summer, a low pressure area develops over interior Asia as well as over north-western India. 8. (f) An easterly jet stream blows over peninsular India. (vii) Name two stations influenced by both branches of the south-west monsoons. (c) During this season, the north-east trade winds blow from land to sea and hence for most parts of the country it is a dry season. Answer Houses in Rajasthan have thick walls and flat roofs. NCERT Solutions for Class 9th Social Science Geography Chapter 4 Climate. (b) Monsoon refers to the seasonal reversal in the wind direction during the year. The NCERT Solutions to the questions after every unit of NCERT textbooks aimed at helping students solving difficult questions. (a) It is on the sea coast. THE LESSON IS SO DIFFICULT BUT IT BECAME NOW EASY FOR ME . We Provided Here Climate Geography Chapter 4 Long Answer Type Question, MCQ Questions & Answer, Short Answer Type Questions (2 or 3 marks), and Very Short answer Type Question (1 marks) Solution. Delhi generally receives the monsoon showers from the Bay of Bengal branch by the end of June (tentative date is 29th of June). (ii) The bulk of rainfall in India is concentrated over a few months. Hence the reason for the reduction in rainfall. Answer Chennai receives most of its rainfall from the north-east monsoon, which gives rains mostly from October to December, and not the south-west monsoon. In other words, monsoon rains take place only for a few days at a time. (b) These are known as the south-west monsoon winds. The factors controlling the climate of India are. These solutions for Climate are extremely popular among Class 9 students for Social science Climate Solutions come handy for quickly completing your homework and preparing for exams. Keeping students’ interest level in mind, TopperLearning experts have framed Ncert solutions that provide students with that extra mileage for scoring better. The peninsular region does not have a well-defined cold season. NCERT Solutions for Class 10 हिन्दी – क्षितिज – Chapter 6 – यह दंतुरहित मुस्कान और फसल, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 हिन्दी – क्षितिज – Chapter 5 – उत्साह और अट नहीं रही है, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 हिन्दी – क्षितिज – Chapter 4 – आत्मकथ्य, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 हिन्दी – क्षितिज – Chapter 3 – सवैया, कवित्त – देव, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 हिन्दी – क्षितिज – Chapter 2 – राम लक्ष्मण परशुराम संवाद, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 हिन्दी – क्षितिज – Chapter 1 – पद. (d)The duration of the monsoon is between 100-120 days from early June to mid September. The Arabian Sea branch reaches Mumbai about ten days later on approximately the 10th of June. (vii) Why is the monsoon considered a unifying bond? Jet Streams are a narrow belt of high altitude (above 12,000 m) westerly winds in the troposphere. The thickly populated deltas of the Godavari, the Krishna and the Kaveri are frequently struck by cyclones which cause great damage. The climatic conditions of an area decide the livelihood of people belonging to that particular area. Chapter 4 Climate. The average temperature in Chennai, on the eastern coast, is between 24° – 25° Celsius. This is known as ‘burst’ of the monsoon. (c) On a winter night temperature at Drass in Jammu and Kashmir may be as low as minus 40°C. (vi) Name two stations most influenced by the Bay of Bengal branch of south-west monsoons. (f) The duration of the monsoon is between 100-120 days from early June to mid September. (v) What are Jet streams and how do they affect the climate of India? In peninsular India, temperatures remain lower due to the moderating influence of the oceans. There are various reasons why India has a monsoon type of climate. ITCZ shifts over Ganga plains during the summer. By the time they reach Rajasthan and Gujarat there is very less moisture left in these winds and so these areas are drought prone. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Studies (Geography) Chapter 4 – Climate. Question 2. (iii) The Tamil Nadu coast receives winter rainfall. Your email address will not be published. That is why the monsoon is considered a unifying bond. The solutions for Chapter 4 of Geography are given below. The unifying influence of the monsoon on the Indian subcontinent is quite perceptible. In the Himalayas precipitation is in the form of snowfall. Air moves from the high pressure area over the southern Indian ocean, crosses the equator and turns right towards the low pressure areas over the Indian subcontinent. (iii) Jodhpur has a hot desert type of climate? (a) The factors affecting the climate of an area are latitude, altitude, pressure and wind system distance from the sea. They cause depressions during the monsoon season. Answer Houses in Assam are built on stilts because the state receives abundant rainfall due to which there are chances of floods, In case of flood the water might get inside the houses, if the houses are built on ground level, so in order to avoid flooding of houses, houses are built on stilts and above the ground level. (e) Although, the total amount of winter rainfall locally known as ‘Mahawat’ is small, it is of immense importance for the cultivation of ‘rabi’ crops. In April, temperatures in Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh are around 42° Celsius. (ii) The bulk of rainfall in India is concentrated over a few months. (vi) Why does Delhi receive more rain than Jodhpur? (d) Cool days and warm nights. (i) Which one of the following places receives the highest NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science Geography Chapter 1 offered by us are compiled as per the syllabus put forth by CBSE. Check NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Geography (Social Science - Contemporary India): Chapter 4 - Climate. During this season, the northeast trade winds prevail over the country. (v) Why is Kolkata rainier in July than in June unlike Shillong which is rainier in June than in July? (ii) Why does India have a monsoon type of climate? Educational Study Material for CBSE School Students, Teachers and Tutors. (ii) Why is July rainier in Mumbai than in Thiruvanantapuram? Frost is common in the north, and the higher slopes of the Himalayas experience snowfall. As the moisture bearing winds of the Bay of Bengal branch of the south west monsoon move further and further inland, the moisture gradually decreases and results in low rainfall when moving westwards. Why does rainfall decrease from the east to the west in northern India? Required fields are marked *. Students should also check NCERT Solutions for Class 9 for other subjects. PDF download free. These are known as the south-west monsoon winds. Around the time of its arrival, the normal rainfall increases suddenly and continues constantly for several days. When the monsoon winds reach it, they have exhausted their moisture. When the study materials are readily available, preparation for exams becomes much easier for the students. Flat roofs are easier to construct and as there is not much rainfall, water will not collect on the rooftops. So, it reduces in Thiruvanantapuram earlier than in Mumbai. Answer The seasonal alteration of the wind systems and the associated weather conditions provide a rhythmic cycle of seasons.Monsoon rains are unevenly distributed and typically uncertain. That is why it has a hot desert type of climate. (b) Sometimes these cyclones arrive at the coasts of Odisha, West Bengal and Bangladesh. Make your learning experience enjoyable by preparing from the quick links available on this page. (vi) Define monsoons. The thick walls of the houses insulate the people against the heat in summer and extreme cold in winter due to the desert. Re-arrange the ten stations in two different sequences. (i) Name two rainiest stations. Here You Will Find All Solved Question Answers From Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Answer The north-western part of India experiences the highest diurnal range of temperature. There is hardly any noticeable seasonal change in temperature pattern during winters due to the moderating influence of the sea. That is why the monsoon is considered a unifying bond. Video lecture, lesson summary, revision notes and solutions of CBSE NCERT Geography Class 9 Chapter 4 Climate. The average temperature of Chennai, on the eastern coast, is between 24° – 25° Celsius, while in the northern plains, it ranges between 10°C and 15° Celsius. (c) The duration of monsoon is between 100-120 days from early July to mid September. Rainfall is dependent on the South West Monsoon winds, it rapidly progresses and covers large swathes of the country by July. By the beginning of October, the monsoon withdrawal from the northern plains. Whereas in the northern plains, it ranges between 10°C and 15° Celsius. Air moves from the high pressure area over the southern Indian ocean, crosses the equator and turns right. The cold weather season begins from mid-November in northern India and stays till February. Question Answers of all Chapters. The low pressure systems originate over the Mediterranean Sea and Western Asia and move into India along with the westerly flow. IT HELPED ME A LOT . Even the uncertainties of rain and uneven distribution are very much typical of the monsoons. Give an account of weather conditions and characteristics of the cold season. All the Indian people eagerly await the arrival of the monsoon. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Geography Textbook Contemporary India I. (i) During winter, there is a high pressure area north of the Himalayas.Cold winds blow from this region to the low pressure areas over the oceans to the south. The chapter deals with India’s climate condition, factors affecting India’s climate, Indian monsoon, onset of the monsoon and withdrawal, different seasons in India and distribution of rainfall. (a) These cyclones are often very destructive. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 4 Exercise 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 Linear Equations in Two Variables English and Hindi 2020-2021. (d)The duration of the monsoon is between 100-120 days from early June to mid September. (f) The alternation of dry and wet spells vary in intensity, frequency and duration. Answer There are six major controls of the climate of any place. 1. (d) The monsoon has a tendency to have ‘breaks’; thus, it has wet and dry spells. December and January are the coldest months in the northern part of India. These are two of the three basic elements that students have learned. Year after year, people of India from north to south and from east to west, eagerly await the arrival of the monsoon. (a) Cyclonic depression Head Office: 148 C, Sainik Enclave, Part -III, Mohan Garden New Delhi -110059 (i) Why are Thiruvanantapuram and Shillong rainier in June than in July? (iii) During the winter season, the north-west trade winds prevail over the country. (iii) Which part of India does experience the highest diurnal range of temperature and why? NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Geography (Hindi Medium). 1. By December, the monsoon has withdrawn from the rest of the country. What do you understand by break in monsoon? December and January are the coldest months in the northern part of India. The Bay of Bengal branch also advances rapidly and arrives in Assam in the first week of June. Thus, we can say that rainfall in India is concentrated over a few months. We hope the given CBSE Class 9 Geography Chapter 4 Extra Questions Climate Pdf free download will help you. This causes complete reversal of the direction of the winds during summer. Four alternatives given below cold in winter due to the north, and relief features ncert solutions for class 9 geography chapter 4. Variable winds about 110 km/h in winter due to pressure difference is the inflow of cyclonic disturbances from four! Earlier than in Mumbai than in July so they bring No rainfall the western Ghats are drought-prone ).... Sst climate will seemingly, help them to revise the important concepts less... 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